Hong Log

Extremely subjective post

Review of the Roccat Kone Pure Ultra i

Recently, I saw a Roccat mouse featured in a special sale event on Quasar Zone.

I saw the word “Ultra” in the title and immediately bought it. However, when it arrived, I realized it was the “i” version, which has a lower-tier sensor designed for internet cafes.

No wonder it was so cheap…

Still, since I bought it, I decided to review it and use it for a small giveaway event for my page followers.

The product was wrapped thoroughly in bubble wrap on top of its packaging.

I believe it was shipped directly from Jayworks. I’m not sure if it would be packaged this way if purchased from other open markets, but I was satisfied with the packaging.

Since it’s intended for internet cafes, the box has a bulk feel to it.

However, the box material isn’t bad.

I carefully sliced the seal with a box cutter.

I took out the product.

The contents are just the manual and the mouse.

As shown in the picture, the mouse was wrapped in bubble wrap inside the box. Even though it’s a budget product, the packaging is certainly well done.

The clean silhouette of the Kone Pure Ultra i.

The color is a slightly bluish black.

In the case of the previous version of the Kone Pure, there were quite a few complaints about the paint job on the black version. However, this one feels good to the touch and doesn’t seem like the paint will peel off with use.

Left side:

Right side:

Bottom side:

The exterior specs of the product appear to be the same as the previous Kone Pure models.

The cable material is PVC, and it seems that, for the sake of keeping the product lightweight, the Kone Pure Ultra also uses the same cable material.

I compared it to the Kone Pure Owl-Eye White that I was using before.

The main visible difference is the LED lighting.

The LED on the Kone Pure Owl-Eye model isn’t great. I don’t mind it much since I only care about the performance and comfort, but the LED lighting is uneven and dim, which bothered many users.

There are also differences in specs.

The Kone Pure Owl-Eye uses the PWM-3361 sensor and weighs 88g.

The Kone Pure Ultra i has a lower-tier sensor, the PWM-3331, and weighs 66g.

For reference, the regular Ultra model uses the PWM-3381 sensor and weighs 70g.

There’s also a difference in the cable material. The Owl-Eye has a fabric cable, while the Ultra i uses a PVC cable.

Personally, I prefer fabric cables because they feel more durable. However, the Ultra i focuses on being lightweight, and using PVC helps minimize the perceived weight increase due to the cable. The PVC cable also seems fairly durable, so this choice is understandable.

I connected the product to my computer and started using it.

Previously, the “i” products required their own dedicated software, but now they can be integrated with the standard Swarm software through an update.

After purchasing and installing the product, you just need to follow the prompts during the Swarm installation. If you already have the driver installed, connect the product and run Swarm to update the driver.

The control menu for the “i” product doesn’t have fewer features; it’s almost identical to the Owl-Eye product.

One notable difference is that the lighting menu seems more advanced compared to the Owl-Eye product.

LED Comparison

Here is a comparison shot of the LEDs.

Even in the photos, you can see that the LED on the Ultra i is much more evenly illuminated compared to the Owl-Eye. At maximum brightness, the LED is so bright that I had to lower the brightness to a comfortable level.

I also played a few rounds of PUBG. Personally, having used the Owl-Eye product for almost two years, I’m very accustomed to its weight despite using a low sensitivity setting (400 DPI with in-game sensitivity at 50, 1, 43, 43). The Owl-Eye’s weight felt comfortable, but the Ultra i is indeed noticeably lighter.

When I first used the Owl-Eye, it felt almost too light, like it was sticking to my palm. Now that I’m used to that weight, the Ultra i gave me that feeling again with its even lighter weight.

If you use low sensitivity and feel strain on your wrist, it’s obvious but worth mentioning: the Ultra product is a better choice over the Owl-Eye due to its lighter weight.

Having had the chance to try the Ultra i at a low price, even after just one day, I questioned if there’s a reason to buy the i product at its regular price of 39,900 KRW. Unless you’re really tight on money, spending an extra 40,000 KRW for the regular Ultra seems worth it.

However, considering there aren’t many budget products that offer the same excellent grip as Roccat products, the grip alone might justify purchasing it.

It’s hard to say for sure.