Hong Log

Extremely subjective post

A Reflection on Equality Sparked by a Humorous Post

It’s certainly a remarkable scene.

However, in this era where political correctness is widespread, if we revisit the topic of equality, the movie suggests that there are no longer “Black” and “White” restrooms, but simply “ordinary restrooms.”

As a recompense for past inequalities, if “Black” restrooms were placed closer and “White” restrooms further away, would equality be achieved?

For Black individuals, it might hold significance as compensation for the past, but it would undoubtedly contribute to racial tensions in the long run.

If equality is to be realized, it must be separated from the past at that point.

Once equality is declared, opportunities must be “equal” from that moment onward.

Once equal opportunities are achieved, we shouldn’t focus on the ratios of Black, White, and Asian people, or men and women, in the outcomes.

Eliminating “White restrooms” and “Black restrooms” and then determining the number of “White stalls” and “Black stalls” based on usage rates makes no sense.

Look at the current state of human rights movements, which are focused on compensating for past inequalities and achieving outcome-based equality.

Does the quota system appear to resolve inequality?

Absolutely not. It would be sufficient to ensure equal qualifications, but instead, by dividing ratios, it means that the generation who experienced past inequalities receives no compensation, while the younger generation, who did not face those inequalities, enjoys the benefits. This results in the current generation bearing the burdens of past injustices. Consequently, various forms of inequality—gender, racial, regional—are evolving into reverse discrimination and conflict.

In our current reality, where the side effects of misguided equality pursuits are evident, we should strive for a world where, just as NASA now has simply “restrooms” instead of “White restrooms” and “Black restrooms,” there are simply “police officers” instead of “male officers” and “female officers,” “soldiers” instead of “male soldiers” and “female soldiers,” and “judges” instead of “Western judges” and “Asian judges.”

“There are just ordinary restrooms.”
“At NASA…”
“There is no restroom distinction!”