Hong Log

Extremely subjective post

A keyboard I want to review within half a year: NuType F1

While web surfing, I came across a keyboard called NuType F1.

It seems to have the concept of a “mechanical keyboard that sits on your MacBook like a keyboard skin!” but what caught my interest was how it can be used with an iPad rather than a MacBook.

Wow, isn’t it super sleek?

As the description says, it seems to prioritize convenience. For those looking for a keyboard to use with an iPad, there’s the official Apple keyboard and other third-party Bluetooth keyboards, but honestly, the official keyboard doesn’t seem worth its price, and third-party keyboards often don’t match the design, causing many to hesitate.

I too had many considerations and eventually bought the Hexgear K950 keyboard, spending quite a bit from my budget.

At the time, I convinced myself, “There’s no better product than this,” and was satisfied with my purchase, but to be honest, it lacks the seamless integration and doesn’t quite capture the Apple aesthetic.

In contrast, look at this dazzling seamlessness.

Plus, the included case can also be used as a stand for the iPad. Ah… I haven’t felt this tempted in a while, but my budget is holding me back.

Maybe in about half a year… won’t my blog have grown enough to afford a keyboard like this?

I hope I can quickly grow as an IT blogger.